
How to Improve Memory with Subliminal Messages

I have come to hate the term "senior moment". Over many years we hear it's natural for memory to gradually worsen as we age. Barring disease or injury there's no reason why age should have a thing to do with remembering where your keys are. Everyone at every age has memory lapses from time to time. It's not until you get older that memory lapse becomes "natural" or as an MD I know put it "an accepted part of aging". Sorry Doc, I'm not accepting it.

First up, there are those of us that are better at remembering than others. For those looking to improve there are tons of exercises which will help to a degree. But the problem as I see it is that memory exercises don't address one important fact. Our subconscious mind after years of unconscious training still believes it is "normal" to be forgetful after a certain age. Unfortunately no amount of rhyming or visualization exercises (which can become quite monotonous) will change this core unconscious belief.

This is where subliminal messaging comes in. A subliminal message is any piece of information we receive without us consciously being aware of it. The message then becomes stored in your mind as a normal thought. Audio subliminal messages are recorded at a frequency just beyond normal hearing. We don't actually hear the message - but our mind is absorbing it just the same.

Audio subliminal messages will not help you find your lost keys. What they will do is gradually change your inner beliefs about memory loss being normal. The mind is a very powerful thing. As it begins to accept the message that your memory is completely normal, forgetfulness and senior moments will slowly become a thing of the past. Combined with some simple memory exercises this can be a very powerful combination.

I have been using subliminal audio for some time and firmly believe in it's power to change ingrained thought patterns. While they are not a magic bullet,they are an excellent tool. After experimenting with a few companies I have found one which consistently seems to give the best results. Their products are inexpensive and are available as instant MP3 downloads. They can be listened to on the computer, personal MP3 player, or burned on to CD's. I use them when driving, during household chores, and occasionally before going to sleep. This stuff really does work.

The company I purchase these from is Subliminal MP3s. A direct link to their memory MP3 is here. For the really skeptical they also offer three free MP3 downloads to try them out. Give them a try - you may be pleasantly surprised.

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